Tasking Manager: Updates so far as a Tech Collective

Tasking Manager: Updates so far as a Tech Collective

  Kathmandu Living Labs started as a tech collective by taking over the maintenance of the HOT Tasking Manager in February this year. From being warmly welcomed as a first member of the tech collective to the present day, the journey has been filled with a variety of experiences. There have been challenges and great learnings,Read more about Tasking Manager: Updates so far as a Tech Collective[…]

Kathmandu from above

Kathmandu from above

Project Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL) is working together with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) on the Modelling Exposure through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project. Our work is part of a larger collaboration between HOT, the British Geological Survey, ImageCat, and the UK Space Agency International Partnership Programme. This overall project is focused on developing innovativeRead more about Kathmandu from above[…]

Beginning of Second cohort of DIAL – Creating Next Gen Mapping Leaders and Activists (Day 4)

Beginning of Second cohort of DIAL – Creating Next Gen Mapping Leaders and Activists (Day 4)

The final day of orientation started with Simon Sinek’s reflective video on ‘how great leaders inspire action’. In that video Sinek speaks on how great leaders become successful in their fields because not only do they understand the “what” and “how”, but on “why” they do the things they do. The interns were then requestedRead more about Beginning of Second cohort of DIAL – Creating Next Gen Mapping Leaders and Activists (Day 4)[…]

Beginning of Second cohort of DIAL – Creating Next Gen Mapping Leaders and Activists (Day 3)

Beginning of Second cohort of DIAL – Creating Next Gen Mapping Leaders and Activists (Day 3)

After the dense second day, the third was all about MAPPING! The day began with a remote talk by Professor Bertram Bruce who spoke on community engagement of youth, and incorporating experiences in community in the form of curriculum which increases practical relevance of education. Despite technical difficulties, the participants enjoyed the talk and reflectedRead more about Beginning of Second cohort of DIAL – Creating Next Gen Mapping Leaders and Activists (Day 3)[…]

Beginning of Second cohort of DIAL – Creating Next Gen Mapping Leaders and Activists (Day 1)

Beginning of Second cohort of DIAL – Creating Next Gen Mapping Leaders and Activists (Day 1)

Sustainability is a key-term here at Kathmandu Living Labs. When we talk about sustainability, we are concerned not only with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is indeed a major focus of our work, but with the idea of longevity of all our projects beyond our involvement. Every project that we embark upon is a researchRead more about Beginning of Second cohort of DIAL – Creating Next Gen Mapping Leaders and Activists (Day 1)[…]

Nepal Earthquake: Updates from KLL Situation Room, May 27

Nepal Earthquake: Updates from KLL Situation Room, May 27

Additional Set of Volunteers at QuakeMap Yesterday, we highlighted the QuakeMap maxim of  “No report is left unclosed!” – meaning we are determined to see that all reports on QuakeMap get fully addressed. However, closing all 1800 reports takes time and resources. Thanks to Professional Development and Research Center (PDRC), we have an additional set ofRead more about Nepal Earthquake: Updates from KLL Situation Room, May 27[…]

The Challenge of 300,000 Building Footprints in Kathmandu Valley – Where do we start?

The Challenge of 300,000 Building Footprints in Kathmandu Valley – Where do we start?

A total of about 300,000 building footprints inside Kathmandu Valley. About 100,000 of them have already been digitized – thanks to the efforts of institutions like Kathmandu University, Kathmandu Living Labs and the crowd. But 200,000 building footprints still need to be digitized – both quickly and accurately. Where do we start? The answer –Read more about The Challenge of 300,000 Building Footprints in Kathmandu Valley – Where do we start?[…]

Senior Innovation Advisor for Internews, Anahi Ayala Iacucci Visits KLL

Senior Innovation Advisor for Internews, Anahi Ayala Iacucci Visits KLL

After we shared introductions, the Senior Innovation Advisor for Internews, Anahi Ayala Iacucci talked about her arrival in Kathmandu a couple of days before, and her planned departure three days later. She told us about her mission to travel to the world’s developing countries studying the media landscape of each, and the role of ICTRead more about Senior Innovation Advisor for Internews, Anahi Ayala Iacucci Visits KLL[…]

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