Kathmandu from above

Kathmandu from above

Project Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL) is working together with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) on the Modelling Exposure through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project. Our work is part of a larger collaboration between HOT, the British Geological Survey, ImageCat, and the UK Space Agency International Partnership Programme. This overall project is focused on developing innovativeRead more about Kathmandu from above[…]

The Challenge of 300,000 Building Footprints in Kathmandu Valley – Where do we start?

The Challenge of 300,000 Building Footprints in Kathmandu Valley – Where do we start?

A total of about 300,000 building footprints inside Kathmandu Valley. About 100,000 of them have already been digitized – thanks to the efforts of institutions like Kathmandu University, Kathmandu Living Labs and the crowd. But 200,000 building footprints still need to be digitized – both quickly and accurately. Where do we start? The answer –Read more about The Challenge of 300,000 Building Footprints in Kathmandu Valley – Where do we start?[…]

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