Open Data Day is a worldwide celebration of the value of open data, and a chance for open data users and enthusiasts to teach others about open data and how to use open data. In 2016, it is celebrated on Saturday, March 5 with hackathons, mapathons, workshops, and lectures around the world. For this year’sRead more about Open Data Day 2016: Celebrating Open Data in Pokhara[…]
Category: mapping party
Saturday, 13th of September woke up to an unusual blend of college education, open mapping and local governance. Over 70 students from Apex College, 20 facilitators and several other citizen volunteers mapped over 159 acres area in ward 7 of Kathmandu Metropolitan City. This Mapping Party was an unusual one – it was a gradedRead more about An Unusual Blend of College Education, Open Mapping and Local Governance[…]
Group picture from Mapping Party at KLL on April 5, Saturday When it comes to creating a map for all, surely a good candidate would be the global youth uniting for common good – Rotaract, or Rotary-in-action, one of the most active youth groups in Nepal. Following a string of mapping parties with our longRead more about Rotaractors into mapping[…]
A chilly morning of December 18, KLL was all set to deliver a day long mapping workshop to the Youth Forum of Climate Change – organized by ICIMOD at AITM, Lalitpur. Too bad we couldn’t start it with real, hot Yo:maris, a local dish prepared specially at this time of the year. But we didRead more about Climate change – from hot, sweet Yo:mari to cold, sweeter cakes![…]
On November 8 last week, a devastating typhoon swept across the Philippines and has wrecked havoc in the country. In the wake of its catastrophic effects, humanitarian organizations, aid agencies and hundreds of volunteers from the world are jointly pushing the humanitarian efforts forward. We at Kathmandu Living Labs are also doing our bit. ForRead more about Crisis in the Philippines: We are with you[…]
On September 17, 2013 Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL) was invited by International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) Nepal to share its experiences on OpenStreetMapping in humanitarian activities. Read this. Fascinated by the current activities of KLL and the potential uses of open data, Nepal Red Cross Society showed its interest to follow up with a MappingRead more about Kathmandu Living Labs gives OpenStreetMap workshop to Nepal Red Cross[…]
The faculty at Apex College thought it was a great idea to get frequently travelling BBA Travel and Tourism students involved in mapping. So we had a mapping party yesterday. This was the first time we introduced OSM to Travel and Tourism students, and this time we gave them a context based on their college major.Read more about Mapping Party to Travel and Tourism Students[…]
Folks at Pokhara University affiliated Apex College in Baneshwor invited us to conduct a one-day OSM bootcamp last Friday. Our advisor Dr. Nama Raj Budhathoki was invited as a guest lecturer to deliver a lecture on WebGIS and OSM. Rest of the team gave students at Apex a hands-on tutorial on editing OSM during theRead more about OSM bootcamp at Apex College[…]
“I was supposed to go for a movie with friends, but since the plan got cancelled, I needed a boost up program for my Saturday. I came to know about the mapping party and thought why not? I hope my expectation turns out right” – one of the mapping party attendees. Futsal was the newRead more about Rotaract Club Baneshwor gets into mapping[…]
With the growing open source movement around the world, Nepal Open Source communities strive to create a strong foundation for tech culture in Nepal. Open Source Communities in Nepal have been organizing meetups: Mapping Meetups, Developers’ Meetups, Mashups and many more. These initiatives aim to harness the growing tech culture in Nepal. On Sunday 21st,Read more about Developers’ Meet Up focuses on OpenStreetMap in Kathmandu[…]