Tasking Manager: Updates so far as a Tech Collective

Tasking Manager: Updates so far as a Tech Collective

  Kathmandu Living Labs started as a tech collective by taking over the maintenance of the HOT Tasking Manager in February this year. From being warmly welcomed as a first member of the tech collective to the present day, the journey has been filled with a variety of experiences. There have been challenges and great learnings,Read more about Tasking Manager: Updates so far as a Tech Collective[…]

Kathmandu from above

Kathmandu from above

Project Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL) is working together with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) on the Modelling Exposure through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project. Our work is part of a larger collaboration between HOT, the British Geological Survey, ImageCat, and the UK Space Agency International Partnership Programme. This overall project is focused on developing innovativeRead more about Kathmandu from above[…]

HOT Activation Workshop – Jakarta

HOT Activation Workshop – Jakarta

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, or HOT, was founded on the principle that a free, open and accessible map is a tremendously useful infrastructure during disaster response. HOT has time and again played a huge role in engaging the international OSM community in creating an open, free map at times of disaster. HOT’s response to HaitiRead more about HOT Activation Workshop – Jakarta[…]

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