Kathmandu Living Labs started as a tech collective by taking over the maintenance of the HOT Tasking Manager in February this year. From being warmly welcomed as a first member of the tech collective to the present day, the journey has been filled with a variety of experiences. There have been challenges and great learnings,Read more about Tasking Manager: Updates so far as a Tech Collective[…]
Category: HOT
Project Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL) is working together with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) on the Modelling Exposure through Earth Observation Routines (METEOR) project. Our work is part of a larger collaboration between HOT, the British Geological Survey, ImageCat, and the UK Space Agency International Partnership Programme. This overall project is focused on developing innovativeRead more about Kathmandu from above[…]
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, or HOT, was founded on the principle that a free, open and accessible map is a tremendously useful infrastructure during disaster response. HOT has time and again played a huge role in engaging the international OSM community in creating an open, free map at times of disaster. HOT’s response to HaitiRead more about HOT Activation Workshop – Jakarta[…]